Adult Education

Adult Education

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures?” —Luke 24:32

At St. Mary, we have many opportunities throughout the year for Adults to continue to grow in their faith and love of Christ through continued study of the bible, lecture series, guest speakers and always through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) Program. Please call the parish office with any questions 540-373-6491.

Our RCIA Program is Open to all Catholic’s wishing to know more about their faith.  The Remaining schedule  of classes is listed below.  Please join us and support those in our RCIA program through your presence and prayers!

To learn more about current adult education programs, call the parish office with any questions 540-373-6491.

Walking with Purpose

Walking with Purpose women’s Bible study is beginning a new session this fall: Opening Your Heart.  This foundational, 22-week course is designed for women who are new to WWP as well as those with more Bible study experience. We welcome past participants and invite new women to join us!

Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper relationship with Christ.  The course involves personal study and small group discussions that link our everyday challenges with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Be a part of a Catholic women’s group that will help you grow in your faith.

We will have two sessions beginning this fall; choose the one that is best for you:

Tuesday 7:30-8:45 pm at Holy Cross Academy (begins on October 3rd)

Thursday 7:15-8:30 pm at the Parish Life center (begins on October 5th)

Preregistration is not required; book information will be given at the first meeting.  Come and see what we’re all about!

For more information contact Lori Mattson at and/or go to

Adult Education Bible Study Offerings for the Fall 2021

It’s time to study the Bible with other adult parishioners. Class sizes will be limited. Please pay for the class when you sign-up at the Parish Office. All study materials will be distributed at the first class. Classes will be held in the Courtyard Meeting Room at St. Mary’s and at Holy Cross Academy. PLEASE REGISTER BY AUGUST 23.  


James: Pearls for Wise Living: Jeff Cavins; Mondays; beginning Monday Sept. 13, 2021: 9:45 am; Location at St. Mary’s Courtyard Room (11 sessions)

In James: Pearls for Wise Living, Jeff Cavins shows how the teachings of     James speak to those of us who feel torn between the competing demands of     this world and our faith.   Meant to help a fledgling Church live out its faith   in the face of persecution and a        worldview opposed to the gospel, the book   of James will help you discover wisdom you can apply to the present.        The    cost of materials is between $25-$30. Class size limited to 30 people max.


The Bible Timeline: Jeff Cavins; Wednesday or Thursday; beginning Sept. 15 or 16, 2021; 9:45 am; Location at St. Mary’s Courtyard Room (24 sessions)

The Bible Timeline divides the Bible into twelve color-coded time periods     that    make it easier to follow its narrative thread. Using a unique color-         coded chart, you will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and discover how   they all come together to reveal the remarkable      story of our faith. The cost of materials is between $35-$40. Class size         limited to 30 people max.


Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come: Jeff Cavins; Wednesday Night; beginning Sept. 15, 2021; 6:30 PM at HOLY CROSS ACADEMY

You will learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation       represent, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ,   what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history.

The cost of materials is between $25-$30. Class size limited to 25 people      max.

A Small Course on Spirituality: Soundings from the Great Doctors

Father Kelly will be leading an online course based on the work of Ralph Martin’s The Fulfillment of All Desire.  Drawing upon the teachings of seven Spiritual Doctors of the Church, Ralph Martin presents an in-depth study of the journey to God.  This book provides encouragement for the pilgrim that desires to know, love, and serve the Lord.

Click here for the online Lessons!