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Built of Living Stones
September 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Saint Mary’s we are,
Built of Living Stones!
With our ongoing construction for expanding Holy Cross Academy, and planning our parish campus upgrades, this theme selected itself.
First, consider St. Peter, whose name means rock as given by Jesus. The Rock writes: like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house…to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5.
Second, St. Peter uses here the word stone, with the original distinction in Greek being that is most often a smaller stone, which has been shaped by human hands. Hence the exhortation to ‘let yourselves be built…’ Peter had been and was being shaped by the Lord, and now exhorts us likewise to be shaped.
Third, the goal of this reshaping is clear: By shaping and forming us, He is building us up into a sacrifice acceptable to the Father. We are built into a spiritual house, the Church, to become a sacrifice acceptable to God the Father.
This year will see us dealing with the inconvenience and stress of building and planning. Would that we can see that with every frustration the Lord Himself carving, trimming, and shaping us into the glorious Temple where He himself dwells in heavenly glory!
This ministry catalog is for you, to help you find where to say, “Yes, Lord, I want to be built up and to help you build.” Thank you for your time, talent, and treasure, by which the Lord is once again proving that His gifts are perfectly suited to the needs at hand.
Pax et Bonum,
Very Reverend John P. Mosimann V.F.
If you would like to meet a member of the Stewardship Committee to help you discern where you can best use your gifts at St Mary, please contact