Catechist ~ Volunteers
“Go therefore make disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” —Matthew 28: 19-20
The Catholic Church is called to continue this mission of Jesus’ first disciples. The ministry of catechesis is one of the central means for “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Through catechesis we are educated and formed in the faith and called to “make disciples of all nations.”
Religious Education Volunteer Form
Catechists Prayer
St. Mary is always in need of committed catechists (teachers) to lovingly and energetically teach our children about the love of Christ for each of us, prepare our children for the reception of the sacraments, and to instill in them knowledge of our Catholic faith. We understand that the lessons are important and equally so, is your presence, attitude and kindness in creating a community among the students of love, acceptance and respect.
Ways to Help
There are many opportunities to get involved with our religious education program we are always in need of:
Assistant Catechists
Substitute Catechists
Prayer Aides
Office Volunteers
Hall Monitors
Please know that St. Mary Church is mandated by the Arlington Diocese to uphold the “Protecting God’s Children” Program, therefore all of our volunteers 18+ must complete a volunteer background check and attend a Virtus Seminar in order to be compliant and eligible to work with children. We take this program very seriously as we realize that our children are priceless gifts from God. Our Religious Education Office will assist you in completing all necessary paperwork.
If you have any questions, contact Katherine Evans at