St. Mary Religious Education Program
Religious Education Office • Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
540-373-6491 · 540-371-0251 (fax)
We look upon each person as a created in the image and likeness of God and as a reflection of his goodness. We understand that Christ loves each one of us infinitely and that he calls us to know him so that we may develop a deeper understanding of who we are called to become ~ living witnesses of the Gospel. At St Mary, our Religious Education program is a total parish experience. We involve children, parents, catechists, our priests and Oblate Sisters. We warmly welcome you and your family to explore the many programs offered for young and old alike!
- Adult Education
- Catechist ~ Volunteers
- Confirmation for Adults
- Confirmation ~ grades 7-12
- Religious Education K-12
- RCIA: Becoming Catholic ~ Adults
- RCIC: Becoming Catholic ~ Children
- Sacramental Preparation
- Vacation Bible School ~ grades K-5
- Youth Ministry
- Child Protection ~ Protecting God’s Children
We love our parents!
As stated in documents of Vatican II, “As it is the parents who have given life to their children, on them lies the gravest obligation of educating their family. They must, therefore, be recognized as being primarily and principally responsible for their education.” Vatican II Declaration of Christian Education.
We will do all that is necessary to support the parents as primary teachers of the faith to their children.
“In action, we see the true value of a Catholic education, the ability to apply the reality of our faith to concrete life decisions that occur on our path to holiness.” —Bishop Paul Loverde