From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Last Sunday I had the privilege of accompanying the Atkinson family to the Carmel at Port Tobacco as Emma entered into the Carmel. What an amazing privilege. We were able to sit with the sisters for close to an hour and chat, pray, and even tell jokes!

The smiles and joy that these women radiated was truly a little glimpse into heaven!

Every parent wants their children to find good spouses and to live full and blessed lives. The Atkinson family shares this desire and is seeing it fulfilled in a way that is truly extraordinary: their daughter is discerning the call to live her life in prayer and love with Jesus, the bridegroom.

The cloistered vocation is one that we don’t see before us every day, but I truly believe, is of life-giving necessity for the Church and the world. I have heard it said, the groom is the head of the family, and the bride is the heart. How wonderful that women spend their lives in prayer and love at the very heart of the Church.

Fr. DeRosa was there as well and he left me pondering these words: “She isn’t locked into the cloister, we are locked out.” To meet the women who have freely set themselves apart from the world and to see their joy, faith and goodness, is to see these words of Jesus brought to life: “This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No on takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own.”

I am including some pictures from last Sunday, in the hopes that you too, might have your souls encouraged to see the Lord powerfully working in the life of one of St. Mary’s own. May the Lord bring to completion the good work He has begun in her soul.

Would you welcome and nurture a vocation in your own family? I hope so.


Father John Mosimann

February 9, 2025
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Service dogs & medical emergencies!

We have a number of folks who have service dogs, sometimes they are veterans, sometimes they are folks with specific medical conditions! I am still amazed that a service dog can help a diabetic by alerting them to low blood sugar! I don ’t see cats doing that!! Dogs for the victory!

However, there is also a family in the parish with a severe, life-threatening reaction to dander from dog fur. They have had to administer an EpiPen in church because they didn’t realize there was a service dog on the other side of the church at the same Mass!

So, in a similar way that I have asked you not to bring PBJ sandwiches to Mass, I would like to work out a solution for our parish that can serve the needs of all parishioners. The most likely solution is to ask that two Masses on Sunday morning be “dog-free.” I have had conversations with two parishioners who have service dogs and they have been wonderfully understanding.

I am asking for anyone in the parish who brings service dog to Mass at St. Mary’s, could you please email me so that we can be on the same page with Masses that could be avoided? My email is Thank you.

Once I am able to find out which Masses regularly have service dogs, I will formulate a plan with ushers on what might be communicated if a visitor arrives who is unaware of the medical issue behind the ‘policy.’

Let us pray for one another!


Father John Mosimann

February 2, 2025
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Catholic Schools Week!!!

I want to thank Dr. Steve Fry, Angie Tomayko, Sheri Castellarin and all of our school/pre-school staff for their hard work and generosity in teaching and serving the children and families of our parish.

This weekend, at all Masses, children from the school will speak after communion to express gratitude for all who support the school and to give witness to the many graces received in this most important ministry. Teaching and living our faith is at the heart of the mission of the parish and the school is often on the front lines of this work for so many parish families.

I recall one time asking a pre-schooler what she had learned. Without hesitation, she looked up and said, “I learned that Jesus can never stop loving me. His grace is His love in my heart.” I was stunned with the depth of what she said. And that is why we make sacrifices and try to educate as many of our children as possible where this truth will shape their lives.

We are all working so hard to make sure that the school continues to be the best place we can make it. Staff, facilities and a brand new chapel! We are so proud and grateful for the work we are doing in our parish school.


Father John Mosimann

January 26, 2025