FAQ-Growing Our Legacy of Faith
When did we begin speaking about Capital Campaigns?
In December of 2018 an in pew survey was conducted. The majority of 2100 respondents voiced their support for improvements to Holy Cross, the Parish Life Center and the creation of an adoration chapel in the church. All responders supported the need for the parish to run a Capital Campaign. The survey results were reported to the parish in a newsletter in October 2019.
Are there needs in other parish buildings such as the John Paul II House?
They all require regular maintenance and periodic renovations. Over the last few years, the parish has made basic repairs to each building it owns. Our priority now is Holy Cross Academy, the creation of an adoration chapel, improving the seating in the sanctuary (where the priests and altar servers sit) of the church, the PLC roof, and the guest space in the basement of the rectory which does not have the proper egress. Additionally, the cooking equipment in the kitchen of the Parish Life Center (PLC) has not been updated in many years and much of it no longer works.
How were the amounts determined for each project?
The cost amounts for each project are based on architectural estimates used for budgeting purposes. The overall construction budget will be determined after the results of the capital campaign are received. The final project will be designed based upon the campaign funds and sent out for bid to the contracting community. The contractor bidding will provide us with the actual cost for construction for our projects.
The goal of $7 M is significant. What if we do not raise all the money immediately?
St. Mary Parish has several separate projects and these can be phased-in over time. We have prioritized each project over a 3 to 5 year period and we will pay for this through a mix of savings, Capital Campaign pledges and a loan.
How were suggested pledge amounts established?
Suggested pledge amounts were established using a formula based on annual giving over the past three years to the parish, pledges to the Annual Diocesan Appeal and other publicly provided information. We truly need “sacrificial gifts” from the majority of our parishioners if we hope to reach our goal to address our many pressing needs. This is a grass-roots effort, so we are asking every parishioner to stretch, and hoping for full parishioner involvement.
How will gifts made during the Capital Campaign be recognized?
All gifts will be formally acknowledged by a letter of thanks and will be recorded by the parish.
Why emphasize pledges?
Pledges allow donors to consider giving more than is possible through “one-time” gifts. Any commitment is easier to make if we know we can do it over time. We buy homes and cars and make so many other commitments this way. Pledge-type giving allows us to truly consider doing our best.
Why is each donor asked to complete a pledge form?
A donor is asked to complete a pledge form so that the gift may be appropriately recorded and acknowledged by St Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church. Donors are asked to sign a pledge card to indicate that they have agreed to the terms of the gift indicated on the card.
Can I pay with Stocks?
Yes. You will need to acquire the Catholic Diocese of Arlington Stock Donation Form from our parish office. Also state that your intention is to pay your pledge via a stock transfer on your signed pledge card. Clearly state on the form that you wish the transaction to benefit St Mary of the Immaculate Conception Capital Campaign.
Can I be flexible with payments?
Yes. Some people may need to delay the start of their pledge by a month or two. There is flexibility in the payment of the pledge, i.e. weekly, monthly or annually. Options are indicated on the pledge card and should be clearly marked by the donor.
How can pledges be paid for?
The two common ways of paying for a pledge is via check or Faith Direct. If paying by check please use the Growing Our Legacy of Faith Campaign envelops found in your monthly envelope package. If paying by faith direct, select the Growing Our Legacy of Faith Fund.
Is my campaign gift tax deductible?
Gifts to the campaign are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Donors with specific questions regarding tax deductibility should contact their financial advisor.
How do I know if the company I work for will match my gift?
The best way to know for sure is to contact your Human Resources department. They will be able to tell you if the company matches gifts, if there are any restrictions to religious organizations and what information you will need in order for them to match your campaign contribution.
I already give to the parish. Why should I support the campaign?
Funds raised in the campaign will go directly to make the needed upgrades to parish facilities and this is separate from the Sunday offertory. Your weekly offertory gift supports the regular operating expenses of the church and is not designated for capital improvements or expansion.
What happens if I am unable to complete my pledge?
A pledge to the campaign is a faith promise; it is not legally binding. St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church is dependent on the generosity and the ability of its parishioners and its community friends to help meet the goal. While we pray that you will not experience any financial challenges, should your situation change, we will work with you to accommodate any unforeseen situations.