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Behold! I Make All Things New!


September 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Saint Mary’s,

Behold, He Makes All Things New! Why do we love new things? I propose that it is because God is infinite, and therefore to dive intoHim is to eternally discover new delights beyond our imagining. All new things participate in a small way in that wonder of discovery.

How does He make all things new? It is by His passion, death and resurrection that the Lord makes all things new. That is the mystery that every priest holds in his hands as he celebrates the Holy Mass!

Our joy, sorrow, success, failure, work, recreation and entire lives are given to Jesus by placing them on the altar with the bread and wine that He changes into Himself to heal our wounds, unite us to His Cross, and He give us His divine life. As a priest, the moments when I put myself on the altar, to give my life to Him have been the most profound experience of what it means to be a priest. Jesus wants us all to give our lives back to Him freely. We give Him our lives, He gives us His. Pretty good trade for us!

This year will see us wrapping up our capital campaign, and breaking ground on our school expansion! However, the everyday workings of grace in our 80+ ministries are constant reminder of the Lord renewing His Church!

This ministry booklet is for you, to help you find where the Lord may want you to say, “Yes, Lord, I will serve you.” Thank you for your time, talent, and treasure, by which the Lord is once again proving that He makes all things new.

Pax et Bonum,

Father John Mosimann


If you would like to meet a member of the Stewardship Committee to help you discern where you can best use your gifts at St Mary, please contact

2023 Ministry Catalogue