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From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

A Blessed Pentecost Sunday to you!

Let me think out loud here about the meaning of this Feast. Sometimes folks say, ‘where is that in the bible?’ Or take great consolation and certitude that something is written in the bible, and thus it is true. In our hearts, we are consoled to know that there is a firmness to this teaching, as we can trace its roots to the Word of God written in the bible.

It is not about The Book…. It is about the person whose speaking was written down in The Book.

And when Jesus ascended, He didn’t say, ‘gather in prayer and I will send you a book.’ He promised to send His Spirit. He promised to send a PERSON! He did that in power and might on Pentecost Sunday, and He does it in millions of ways every day.

I treasure the gift of Faith received from my parents. They taught me to perceive the work of the Holy Spirit. They did this by proclaiming His great works in their lives, and challenging me to look closely for His works in mine! There is no random coincidence in the symphony of grace. Every work, every prayer, every act of faith, hope and love is a note forming a harmonious whole! From Baptism to the grave, He never ceases to find ways to love us.

I have so much to be thankful for where the Lord is giving us all His Spirit! In the joy filled celebration of my 25th Anniversary. In the enthusiasm of the ministry of “Fr. Crush-It.” In the ordination this weekend of Fr. Renner and the baptisms taking place here at the same time! In a funeral Mass offered this morning for a daily communicant. In every one of these graces God is giving us Himself!

I treasure these graces, and pledge to rejoice and say forever, “Thanks be to God!”

pax et bonum,

Father Mosimann

June 5, 2022


From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Memorial Day is upon us, which means the summer vacation period is beginning. A word of reminder to pray tomorrow for all who have given their lives to serve and protect the freedom that we so greatly enjoy. And don’t forget their families, and loved ones who still carry the burden of their loss. All of the freedoms that we enjoy would not be possible without the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in defense of our liberty.

I also want everybody to pray, to really pray, and not just promise vague thoughts. The last 2 weeks have brought unspeakable horrors and mass shootings. When Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima, it was to warn them and the world of the errors, violence, and death that were coming. Her request: that we pray the rosary. I am asking you to start praying for an end to the errors, violence and death of our age. Please pray a rosary for this. Better yet, pray one every day. Watch 30 minutes less of news or scrolling Facebook and pray.

Also, I remember so vividly the day that the shootings at Columbine happened. I was a new priest in my first parish. My mind was blank, and horrified, and I had no idea what to do, like everyone, I looked to the pastor: Fr. Avella. He had all of the children come over to the church, and he spoke to the children in such a gentle and gracious way, that deeply impressed me. His message: something bad has happened, and someone has hurt children. Some of your parents are coming to take you home, because they want you close, so that they can protect you. Know that we love you, and we are doing everything that we can to keep you safe. And then Fr. Avella led us in prayer. I was encouraged and strengthened by his compassion and faith, and it helped form my heart for the day when I would become pastor.

Memorial Day. Yes, we remember in prayer those who have laid down their lives to protect us. May the Lord reward their generous sacrifice.

pax et bonum,

Father John Mosimann

The Ascension