Catholic Heart WorkCamp 2014 Catholic Heart WorkCamp 2014 July 14, 2014 Leo Chavarria CHWC program some of our students on stage for a game. night time shenanigans Sharing on stage about where we saw God that day. James during a competition requiring his head to go through plastic rap. A skit on the Prodigal Son. Jackson was one of the “ladies of the evening”. Our guys in the front row during Adoration.
Diocesan WorkCamp 2014 Diocesan WorkCamp 2014 July 1, 2014 Leo Chavarria Panorama shot. During program. Fr. Rooney encouraging our teens before departure. Lots of people! WC excitement. At camp. 1200 people. Group shot: 33 teens, 7 adults and 4 contractors.