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Author: St Mary Fred

Special Parish Speaker on Eucharistic Miracles!

Special Parish Speaker on Eucharistic Miracles!

St Mary will be hosting Dr. Ricardo Castañón Gómez, PH.D., for a special talk on Eucharistic Miracles.  Dr. Gomez was an atheist scientist who was asked to lead a team of scientist to examine a Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by then Archbishop Jorge Bergolio, now Pope Francis.  What Dr. Gómez discovered was so powerful he has since converted and now tours the world speaking about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  More information on the miracle Dr. Gomez investigated can be found HERE. Click the image below for ticketing information.

Eucharistic Miracles
Diocesan Strategic Plan

Diocesan Strategic Plan

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Since becoming your bishop, I have been inspired by the generosity and faithfulness of the priests, religious, deacons, and laity of this Diocese.  You have shown your dedication to the Truth of the Gospel, your devotion to the Sacraments, and your commitment to those in need.

Your faithfulness and your charity have demonstrated to me that we, with God’s grace, can achieve much in this Diocese.  To that end, I initiated a strategic plan that identifies the needs of our Diocese and establishes goals that will unite us.

This strategic plan is the result of extensive consultation with clergy, religious, and laity over a period of eleven months.  We held twenty-six focus groups and conducted three surveys.  We received thousands of responses from parishioners across the Diocese.

With this input, we established six focus areas, or pillars, and thirty goals.  These goals are applicable at the diocesan, parochial, family, and individual levels.  In the coming months, we will develop an action plan for the implementation of these goals.

It is my hope that this strategic plan will unite us as a Diocese in a common focus of ministry that glorifies God and makes known the presence of His Kingdom on earth.

Through the intercession of Mary our Mother and Saint Joseph, please join me in praying to Our Lord Jesus that this strategic plan will be a blessing to the Diocese of Arlington.
Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge

Bishop of Arlington


From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Did you know that growing up, Pope Saint John Paul 2 lived right next to the parish church? He would stop in daily and pray at the altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

I thought of this when a teacher recently sent me a picture of one of our 2nd graders kneeling in the hallway to say a prayer in front of the new chapel in our parish school.

Did you know that we are now privileged to have the Blessed Sacrament continuously reserved in the school chapel? We can never overestimate the value of Our Lord’s real presence in our school. Why do we exist? Catholic schools exist to educated the minds and form the souls of our children in the Love of Our Lord. Now, the children are learning to make reverence every time they pass by the chapel!

What tender love for Our Lady the future saint learned in front of the altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (pictured below from my 2017 pilgrimage). May our parish, especially our children, likewise learn the perpetual help of the Queen of Heaven! I also included a picture of Pope St. JP2’s favorite cake, just for fun!


Father John Mosimann

September 26, 2021
XXVI Sunday In Ordinary Time