Express Announcements ~ 3 January 2016

Express Announcements ~ 3 January 2016

* Conversation and Coffee: Today, volunteers from our Music, Usher, Manna and Cold Night Shelter ministries will be available in the Parish Life Center after the 10:30am Mass offering information about their good works and how they serve our parish and community. Please join us.

* Religious Education Family Week: Family Week is the first week of classes in 2016, January 4-7. Parents join your children for class and make the occasion a memorable family activity! It will be based on our parish theme for this year: “People of Thankfulness Sowing Seeds of Mercy.”

* On January 5, we begin Bishop Barron’s 6-week series with Fr. Don on The Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Matters. The Study Guide for the program costs $20. Please contact the parish office with your RSVP.

* Religious Freedom Day: On January 10 the Knights of Columbus Rappahannock Assembly will proudly sponsor the 240th Anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s drafting of the Act of Religious Freedom for Virginia. A parade will begin at 1:30pm at the VRE Station in Fredericksburg, followed by a ceremony at 2pm at the religious Freedom Monument on Washington Avenue. All are Welcome!

* March For Life: This year’s March will be held on Friday, January 22, to commemorate the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Please see page 13 for transportation details. Please plan to join your parish family in this peaceful protest against abortion.

* The second collection next weekend is for the Parish Building fund.


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