From our Pastor

From our Pastor

Dear Folks,

As I type this in Colorado, it is seven degrees outside! And my ap says that today’s high in Fredericksburg will be seventy! I don’t seem to have an answer to the question of whether we will get any snow this year. However, I want to highlight the work of Micah Ministries in supporting people experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness.

“The Coldest Night” fundraising walk highlights the difficulties faced by our brothers and sisters, and support the work of Micah Ministries in serving them. St. Mary’s has a team of folks working to support this effort. You can find the page to support by following:

Also, an update on our Bishop’s Lenten Appeal, our in-pew pledge process brought in $10k more than last year, including more cash donations as well! We are about 60% of our BLA goal, as seems to happen most years, many folks will respond to the mailings! Thank you for your continued support of these important diocesan ministries as well!

Oh my…. Ash Wednesday is this week? Good thing I got a running start on my Lenten beard while I was on the sacred ski trip. The schedule of Masses is here in the bulletin, also Stations of the Cross begin Friday with English Staions at 6:30pm, and Spanish at 7pm.

I trust you have plans for Mardi Gras, for the feasting and last meals before the penance. I also trust that you have a plan for your penance(s), so that the season doesn’t find you unready to jump in!

Peace and Prayers,

Father John Mosimann

February 19, 2023
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