From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

This week we has had some perfect weather days. It is one of the benefits of living in an all-season region that we truly value these perfect temperature / humidity days because they are so rare! If we lived in San Diego, it would be just another day.

What is it about our human nature that can experience delights and become so accustomed to them so quickly that we have to have more and more? I hope that it is because we are ultimately desiring the Lord God Almighty! The finite and ephemeral nature of earthly pleasures leaves us always hungry for more. The good news is that in heaven, those problems will be solved.

Please be sure to check out the pictures from our first Eucharistic Procession for the students and staff at Holy Cross Academy! One staff member appended this to the end of an email, “… a beautiful Eucharistic procession through the school today. Fr. Mosimann, along with several altar boys and singers, processed through the school with the monstrance and visited each classroom and office. #whyweloveHolyCrossAcademy”

The hashtag put a big smile on my face: #whyweloveHolyCrossAcademy

Also, an expansion of the bonus confession times that Fr. Antony will be offering! See the note in the bulletin here, with confessions every weekday, and multiple times while he is here with us until the end of May!


Father John Mosimann,

April 23, 2023
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