From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor


It has been three years since I last offered this, but it is time to bring back the Married Couples Retreat!!

You may know the old saying, “the couple that prays together, stays together”, but what does that practically mean in our busy lives? Some families are committed to praying the rosary together – wonderful! The Sacrament of Marriage is a man and a woman growing every day deeper in love by giving their lives to one another. This is an incredibly enriching gift, because in giving ourselves away we discover a love beyond imagining.

To that purpose, each year (prior to COVID) I offered a retreat for married couples, dedicated to the formation and spiritual growth of their marriage, Teams of Our Lady. The format of the retreat includes short talks, lectio divina, and discussions that provide an opportunity for couples to pray together and deepen their mutual understanding.

ALL MARRIED COUPLES are invited to spend a day together with your pastor and our parish family in prayer. For the first time, we will host this @Holy Cross Academy.

Married Couples Retreat

Saturday July 22nd.
@Holy Cross Academy
Begins at 8:30am
Will end by 3pm!
Please bring a brown-bag lunch and a bible.
If you would like to participate, please email Paul Prebilic at

Blood Drive! In preparation for the upcoming blood drive, we are hearing that there is an urgent need for blood donors. If you are a potential donor, please see the information on our upcoming blood drive in conjunction with the American Red Cross! It is a simple but loving act of charity that can help to save a life.


Father John Mosimann

July 16, 2023
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