From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor


I don’t have the gift of reading souls. I am not St. Padre Pio who had this gift. And there is much rejoicing in the parish and many sighs of relief.

Occasionally parishioners ask me, “what should I do in the parish?” And I respond, “what is God inviting you to do?”

It has been seven years since the parish sponsored “Called and Gifted” to help you discern what God is asking of you. We will again offer this workshop on October 7th! Many parishioners have found that this program helped to give them great clarity on what gifts the Lord has given them, and how to use those to build up His Kingdom!

I encourage all parishioners to sign, up for this workshop, and discern how the Lord is inviting you to share the gifts that He has poured into your soul! For more information, you can watch this 93 second video: vimeo. com/322254299

You can sign up at all Masses this weekend, by the QR code in bulletin, or by paper in the parish office.

Additionally, this weekend, we are rolling out our theme for this year: “Behold, I Make All Things New!” The Stewardship Committee tied our theme to the upcoming diocesan theme and the National call for a Eucharistic revival!

This year we will focus on renewing and strengthening our faith in our Eucharistic Lord, as it is through Him, in Him, and in Him that all things are made new!

Banners are going up this week, the parish leadership dinner is Monday, students return to Holy Cross Academy on Wednesday, and next week we will roll out a prayer for Eucharistic renewal that we will say at the end of every Mass for the year!

St. Mary IC is going back to warp speed! Blessed be the Lord!


Very Reverend John P. Mosimann, Vicar Forane, Pastor

August 20, 2023
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