From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor


Two celebrations.

Congrats to our Holy Cross Academy Volleyball team! The girls won the championship, defeating Aquinas School, in a match where many tears of joy were shed! See the pictures on this page and rejoice! So proud of the hard work and success of these young ladies! Congrats!

Congrats to our parish family! Our in-pew effort for the Capital Campaign was an amazing success with more than a million dollars pledged and we are on the verge of crossing the finish line!

We have so much to be grateful for:

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to expanding our parish school!

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to a bigger and better playground!

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to replacing all the Heat/AC in the school!

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to an Adoration Chapel at the parish!

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to PLC, church, and rectory renovations!

1000+ families have said ‘yes’ to debt reduction!

Our memorial brick wall in the cafeteria will have the theme of loaves and fishes from the scriptures. We may not be a small boy offering 5 loaves and 2 fish, but Jesus takes our gifts of any size and multiplies their efficacy to make wonderful things happen! Thanks be to God!

As promised last weekend, the bids from the contractor are now being reviewed by the diocesan office of planning, construction and facilities! With this review in hand, I will be making a presentation to the diocese on the scope of construction and financing to get the bishop’s approval moving forward!


Father John Mosimann

November 5, 2023
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