From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor


If you asked your children, “are you truly happy?” how would they respond right now?

Ok, with a week until Christmas, you may well get an answer tied to their Christmas list, making them happy.

I am curious, because I read recently of a priest who asked his 6th graders this, and they replied that “it is not possible to be perfectly happy…” with one exception. Only one child made reference to Christ, and responded with a resounding, “yes!”

What would make you happy? If your answer to that, is anything other than one word, you need to reexamine. I like technology, and computers, and movies, and games, and skiing, and golf, and I never cease to be amazed that I can always fill up my Amazon wish list. No matter how many things come off of it and into my little hands, there is always more going up. Gifts are great, and a lovely expression of our affection for one another. But, I really want to be truly happy.

And the only wish list that really matters has only one word on it: “Jesus.” So go ahead and ask me if I am happy. “Yes and Beyond!” The joy that Christ gives goes so much deeper than mere happiness. This Joy is constant in successes and in trials, in delights and in sorrow. This I have in superabundance and I am trying to give as much away as I can for Christmas!

And one of the best ways to get this Joy? Confess your sins and bask in the mercy of God. With regard to confessions… There will be confessions all week, Monday- Saturday the 23rd. But the lines will also get crazy long by then too!

Two planning notes for Christmas Eve:

1. After the ’Advent’ Masses, the door to the church will be closed and locked for setup purposes. It will be reopened at 3pm for the Christmas Eve Vigil Masses. Please don’t come two hours early!

2. I also renew my exhortation to avoid the 4pm Mass in the church! Attending at HCA, or a later Mass, or Christmas morning will be a much calmer and joy filled celebration! Your spreading out to other Masses has been a great help, and has prevented the fire marshall from having to pay a visit!


Father John Mosimann

December 17, 2023
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