From our Pastor

From our Pastor

Dear Folks,

I have encountered no pain greater than a parent losing a child. And when the child is lost during pregnancy, or at birth, it can be even more confusing and heartbreaking. Recently someone in my family walked the Calvary path of knowing by pre-natal diagnosis that their child would not live long after she was born. Her father was able to give her life, and also give her eternal life by baptizing her in her short life on earth.

Back in January of 2020, we offered Mass for parents and families who have lost children, and many folks said that it was such a moment of grace to be able to grieve for these children. So many relayed stories where folks didn’t understand, or they had been told they aren’t allowed to grieve. Grieving a child lost in pregnancy is a rebuke of our culture’s blind and obstinate denial of the gift of life in the womb. This is why January seems an appropriate time to offer this Mass.

Thus, I invite you to a Candlelight Mass offered for The Unborn and Children Who Have Passed, the St. Gerard Majella Mass, this coming Tuesday, January 23 at 7pm. We have so much to do to build a culture of life. The political struggles for the respect of life mean we must build a culture where baby, mother, and father are all loved and supported.

So if you lost a child, in pregnancy, in school, in college, or adulthood this Mass will be offered both for your children and for you. All are invited to come and offer a prayer of support.


Father John Mosimann

January 21, 2024
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