From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Last weekend we celebrated the last wave of First Holy Communions of our children. What wonderful and joyous celebrations! Congratulations to each and every child who has been elevated to such sublime union with God. When anyone receives the host, they receive Jesus whole and entire.

Sometimes we say that all of Jesus is present, “body, blood, soul and divinity.” At the dual consecrations, the bread becomes the Body of Christ, and the wine becomes the Blood of Christ. We might think – incorrectly – that this implies that Christ can be divided into parts. Because He is resurrected and enthroned in glory, wherever His Body is, His Blood must also be. The theological term
for this is concomitance. Because His Body is present by power of the consecration, His Blood, Soul and Divinity are also necessarily present by concomitance.

We are planning a Corpus Christi procession for the end of the month, and info is now rolling out on that!

And yes, today is Mother’s Day! A blessed and holy day to express our gratitude to our mothers. If you can visit or call your mother, then by all means do! If you cannot, then be assured that gathering around the altar, we are truly with the angels, saints, and mothers in heaven!

To pull together these threads, consider these words of St. Therese whose mother had passed away before her First Holy Communion:

… the joy of heaven had entered one small, exiled heart, and that it was too weak to bear it without tears. As if the absence of my mother could make me unhappy on the day of my First Communion! As all of heaven entered my soul when I received Jesus, my mother came to me as well.


Father John Mosimann

May 12, 2024


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