From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Memorial Day is upon us, so a word of reminder to pray tomorrow for all who have given their lives to serve

and protect us. And don’t forget their families, and loved ones who still carry the burden of their loss. All of the

freedoms that we enjoy would not be possible without the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in defense

of our liberty.

But Memorial Day also means that 95 will be way more clogged as summer vacation period gets going. I guess

it means that you really have to plan out your weekends, so that you don’t get slammed and stuck in traffic! But

especially important for summer planning, know how and when you can get to Sunday Mass! If you need to find

a Catholic Church near to your vacation in Toledo, Timbuktu, or even Toronto …. you can find it at:

Summer also brings different wardrobes. I remember as a child that it meant that we would break out the white

pants that would be my “Sunday Clothes” for the summer. Remember those: Sunday Clothes? Some will counter-

argue that, “Jesus doesn’t care what I wear!” or “God doesn’t need me to dress up!” God doesn’t need this, I

do! Jesus cares what we wear, not because He is judging our clothes, but because how we dress is part of our

preparation for and participation in Mass!

When we take the time and effort to give Jesus our best (clothes, time, attention, and love) He can pour more

of His blessing into our souls! The concept of “Sunday Clothes” is that I give Jesus my best, because that is what

God deserves and it disposes me to receive more of His love.

Let me also be clear to say that nobody is to be turned away or judged because they are wearing shorts and flip-

flops. There are times when we are literally coming from the beach, or on our way to a soccer match, or even

sometimes folks can be simply struggling to feel welcome at Mass.

I recall a conversation in another parish with a teen who was inappropriately dressed for Mass, where they were

actually hoping that I would hammer them so that they could have an excuse not to come! I know you pray for

wisdom as parents; let us also pray for wisdom as a parish family to be gentle with our struggling sheep while

challenging ourselves to give our best to Jesus.

God bless you all, and have a blessed Memorial Day.


Father John Mosimann

May 26, 2024
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