From Our Pastor ~ July 9, 2017
Dear Folks,
Every one of you has so many amazing stories about the Lord working in your life.
Today, I’d consider two ways we might get better about sharing those stories.
1. Fr. Colin’s talks this Sunday and the next two on Evangelizing Catholics. How can we improve and energize our efforts to share the good news? Come and have a cup of coffee after the 8:30am Mass, or ’not have a cup of coffee before the 10:30am Mass (remember the fast)! We set this mini-series of talks deliberately between the Masses to facilitate and maximize the ease of your attendance.
2. “From the Pew”stories: do you have a story of how the Lord has worked in your life? Share it with your brothers and sisters in the parish! You can do so anonymously, and it need not even be a dramatic miracle. Or course we do welcome dramatic miracles too! If you send me your witness / testimonials / story by email, we could make this “from the Pew” a regular feature of the bulletin. How has the Lord worked in your life? Email me at frmosimann@stmaryfred.org
To that end I have enclosed an an encounter that someone sent me recently, and I am still waiting for the email form the person who told me about a healing she experienced!
Fr. Mosimann