From Our Pastor ~ June 12, 2016
Dear Good People of Saint Mary,
We come to the end of another school year and there is always a moment when you get to stop and just take a moment to think where we have been and where we are going. I was outside working this week and just stepped inside the church to take a minute to greet the Lord, and sat down and just looked around. Such a beautiful, warm place, fitting for God and fitting for us.
I came across a photo (these are rare, as we never felt inspired to take photos before, nor were photos permitted!) of the church—how it looked and how different it is now. I include it here, because for me it is a symbol of us.
I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude for all of you, the many people who make Saint Mary such an amazing place. Our vibrant parish life, commitment to worship and formation in holiness, our remarkable commitment to the wider community of Fredericksburg, our care for those in need, the hungry, the homeless. All the many Gifts you bring, gifts with which God has called you, gifts that you work to discover each day God gives us. You are the generous hearts required to keep our parish family going.
For a year of great work, it is time to give thanks to our leaders whose terms are coming to an end: our Parish Council under the leadership of Beth Merriman who is passing the role of leader to Julie Appleton; to Donna Hart and all our Stewardship Committee who continue to help our many ministries come together as one symphony and call forward the gifts that God has given our parish; to Regis Keddie and our Finance Committee who have every month kept an eye on our temporal net worth and advised us well. And, of course, our Staff and Clergy who continue to support and be supported by our many volunteers who carry the Light of Christ forward everyday.
To you, our volunteers, a special thanks: those who work in most-often unknown ways to serve God and neighbor, particularly leaders of ministries whose work has impacted the lives of many people, known or unknown. Thanks. As the summer begins, I pray that you find a moment now and then to stop in and greet the Lord, and know the gratitude I feel. Look! says the Lord, I make all things new! You are the beauty, the brightness, the music, and the color that we have come to know in our parish home.
God bless you.