From Our Pastor ~ October 9, 2016
Dear Folks,
This week we are going to change the parish prayer song, as happens from time to time. Because I know my gift is not the composition of music, I have directed that the
prayer be to changed the Salve Regina. This is a prayer that most of you know by heart as the “Hail Holy Queen….” We will sing in Latin the plainchant version that is very easy to learn. I am grateful for the tradition of a sung prayer in our parish family, and learning the Salve Regina will connect this prayer and our parish family to the entire Church. Our Hymnal says that the Salve Regina dates to 1080 AD.
It will still be sung at the same point in the Mass, as the sacred vessels are being purified and after the communion hymn(s). Given that our parish is under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, I am delighted to include this prayerful nod to Our Lady. There is a tradition of Marian Antiphons that are connected with the Liturgy of the Hours, and they change to correspond with the liturgical season. Eventually, we will rotate the chants according to the season, but will start with the Salve Regina because it is used during most of the year, is the prayer most familiar to you, and may be the easiest to learn.
If the Latin chant is not your ‘cup of tea’ then do not be afraid to participate by continuing your post communion thanksgiving and prayers with with chant being pleasant earwash. It will take us a little time to learn the chant, as is the case for anytime that we must learn something both new (and in this case old).
And next week I will share with you the experience of one mother’s encountering the universality of this chant.
Fr. Mosimann