From Our Pastor ~ September 4, 2016
Dear Folks,
“How do I pray, Father?”
Wow, what a question…. but one that I hear from time to time and know that others are thinking, but afraid to ask.
Yes, all of us can hear the whispers, ‘you’re not good at this,’ ‘you don’t have time,’ ‘you are too tired,’ or ‘but you will be miserable.’ So three simple thoughts on how to establish a prayer life:
1. Start small.
Simple principle, if you try to start too big, you are susceptible to failure and giving up. As you grow closer to Him step by step, He will strengthen your efforts. If you’re not used to praying a full rosary, start with a decade. Work your way up to the full rosary, taking small steps.
2. Spread it through your day.
It’s amazing how the prayers add up. By using times / places (meals or the commutes to/from work) to trigger a reminder to prayer, you can stay close to Him the whole day.
3. Just do it.
Excuses are excuses. I like the saying, the perfect is the enemy of the good. When your children hand you a drawing, to you criticize them because it falls short of Rembrandt? How much more does God love our honest, and sometimes feeble, efforts to turn to Him.
Pax et Bonum,
Fr. Mosimann