In Heartfelt Gratitude: A Message from Bishop Burbidge

In Heartfelt Gratitude: A Message from Bishop Burbidge

In Virginia, there are nearly 675,000 veterans. Every day, and especially today, we offer them our profound thanks for their heroic service and sacrifice.

Whenever we encounter veterans, we should be mindful of the great gifts they offer and express our heartfelt gratitude for all they have done and for the outstanding contributions they continue to make.

We acknowledge the considerable sacrifices they offered in service to our country and in protection of our fundamental freedoms. These veterans often have families who also made countless sacrifices. Oftentimes these mothers and fathers were singularly responsible for caring for children and giving them a well-rounded life while their spouse was deployed.

Know that we keep you in our prayers and in our hearts. Your duty of not only supporting the servicemember through the good and the bad, but also doing the work of two people, is one we will not forget.

So today, and every day, we ask God to watch over all our 19 million American veterans. May He bless them with His love and hope in these ever-challenging times. It is because of them we are afforded the privilege of being Americans who can praise and follow God without fear and enjoy the freedoms safeguarded in the United States Constitution.

Thank you, veterans, for everything you do. May God bless you today, tomorrow and always.


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