From our Pastor

From our Pastor

Dear Folks,

As I type this in Colorado, it is seven degrees outside! And my ap says that today’s high in Fredericksburg will be seventy! I don’t seem to have an answer to the question of whether we will get any snow this year. However, I want to highlight the work of Micah Ministries in supporting people experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness.

“The Coldest Night” fundraising walk highlights the difficulties faced by our brothers and sisters, and support the work of Micah Ministries in serving them. St. Mary’s has a team of folks working to support this effort. You can find the page to support by following:

Also, an update on our Bishop’s Lenten Appeal, our in-pew pledge process brought in $10k more than last year, including more cash donations as well! We are about 60% of our BLA goal, as seems to happen most years, many folks will respond to the mailings! Thank you for your continued support of these important diocesan ministries as well!

Oh my…. Ash Wednesday is this week? Good thing I got a running start on my Lenten beard while I was on the sacred ski trip. The schedule of Masses is here in the bulletin, also Stations of the Cross begin Friday with English Staions at 6:30pm, and Spanish at 7pm.

I trust you have plans for Mardi Gras, for the feasting and last meals before the penance. I also trust that you have a plan for your penance(s), so that the season doesn’t find you unready to jump in!

Peace and Prayers,

Father John Mosimann

February 19, 2023
Ash Wednesday Schedule

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Ash Wednesday is February 22.  Ashes will be distributed at every Mass.  Our Mass Schedule is as follows:

At St Mary: 6:30am, 9am, 12pm, 4pm Latin Novus Ordo, 6pm, 8pm Bi-lingual

At Holy Cross Academy: 4:30pm and 6pm

Confessions will still be held at 11:30am and 6:30pm in the church per our normal schedule.


Our special collection on Ash Wednesday supports the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Communism in this region fell more than 30 years ago, but the Church still struggles to rebuild after decades of oppressive rule. Under communism, religion and religious practices were openly persecuted, and atheism was actively propagated and enforced. Your support of this collection aids vital aspects of Church life throughout the region. You support seminary programs, promote ministries and education for children and families, rebuild churches, and renew community life. Please be generous and prayerfully consider how you can support this collection today.

Special Collection for Victims of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria March 4-5

Special Collection for Victims of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria March 4-5

All of the dioceses in the United States will be taking up a special collection in response to the devastation wrought by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria for immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, medical care, and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts. Our parish will take up this special collection the weekend of March 4 and March 5 and your generosity is most appreciated.  All checks should be made payable to the parish, with “Turkey/Syria” in the memo line.

From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

A few smiles from Catholic Schools Week… we emphasized that we have hit the halfway point on our capital campaign towards our identified needs! And it was such a lively celebration! The mascot and tee-shirt-canon-operator said “Quite honestly, Adam and I both agree that we’ve never experienced anything like that on Friday during a school visit-and we’ve done plenty over the past few years.”

Bravo to the faculty and staff that make our school something worth celebrating! Bravo to all who have worked so hard on our capital campaign to make so many more things possible!

Finally, a shout out as well to our 38 new altar servers! The last two weeks we installed a whole new batch of ready and willing servers! I am proud of the good work and effort that the boys and girls put into serving! To my knowledge, we have the most rigorous training regimen in the diocese! Keep them, and all who serve in your prayers.

Oh yeah…. It was 7 degrees out here in Colorado this morning! Yikes, a real winter!


Father John Mosimann

February 12, 2023