From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

This week, we are announcing with enthusiasm that St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is launching a Capital Campaign!! I am so proud of the hard work and beautiful success of this campaign being run entirely by the time and talent of our very own parishioners!!

During the last 6 months, a dedicated team of volunteers and I have secured $2.7 Million in 160 pledges from parishioners during the quiet leadership phase! This is 39% of the the identified and discerned needs for our parish, and puts us on a trajectory for success.


When I arrived here six years ago, I inherited a plan that our parish school would be the beneficiary of the next expansion work! In consultation with parish leadership, an in-pew survey of the parish, and diocesan advisors, we discerned that the way forward to accomplish our goals requires a capital campaign. You have spoken clearly that we must “build what we can afford,” and your generosity to parish offertory and this campaign is determining what we can afford.

What for?

HCA: new classrooms to include space for the pre-school, improved security, expanded chapel, and a new cafeteria!

St.Mary: Adoration Chapel, Adult Education Facility, Church Improvements, rectory expansion, and upgrades to the kitchen in the PLC.


Personal and individual visits to each parish family, and five-year pledges from families after prayerful consideration.

The individual and personal visits are the foundation of the campaign. Because I am asking each family to prayerfully consider a pledge, that means giving you detailed information so that you can make a truly informed decision. There is enough information on discernment, priorities, and needs that I can easily spend an hour giving you a detailed understanding of How and Why! I haven’t yet had someone say, “that was too much info Father.”


I have personally already met with over 100 families! I try to block off at least two hours because I have treasured the conversations, laughter, fellowship, and complaints (yes, even those) that we have shared before even saying a word about the specifics of the campaign!

With more than six thousand families, as much as I would like to, it is not possible for me to visit everyone. Thus we have a growing team of trained volunteers to help accomplish our goal of sitting down with every family that is willing to receive a visit!


I have visited with parishioners in their homes, in my office, or even in restaurants! Don’t feel you have to ‘put on the ritz’ to receive a visit, you can choose where the visit will take place.

What am I asking?

I am asking that you give me or one of our campaign visitors the chance to meet with you (and your spouse) to discuss the capital campaign.

When we call or email you, please answer! With more than six thousand families, you may not get a phone call until spring.

You WILL NOT be asked to make a pledge on the spot. You will be given time to prayerfully consider a gift and my answer is always “Thank You!”

Thank you for giving us your time, thank you for understanding the needs and necessity of a capital campaign, and above all thank you for being my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Lord has brought forth talented and generous parishioners, even in difficult economic times, to prove that this is His work! Thanks be to God!

pax et bonum,

Father John Mosimann

December 4, 2022


Last year we took up our special Christmas Collection for Charity for the parish church in the City of Ahepe in Togo, West Africa. The church, Immaculate Conception of the Miraculous Medal of Ahepe, had lost its entire roof due to a violent storm in March 2019. Since then, all Masses and Church celebrations have taken place outside in the open air, under tents and trees, at the mercy of the weather.  Due to your generosity last year, we were able to send them $17,681.00 which assisted them tremendously in starting the replacement of the Church roof.  As you can tell from the pictures, they have made much progress, but much work still needs to be done, and to make matters worse the Church’s rectory was recently robbed.

The parish church of the Immaculate Conception of the Miraculous Medal of Ahepe will again be our special Christmas Charity for this year, in the hope that we will again be able to assist our brothers and sisters in completing the rebuilding of their Church.

St. Mary’s has been taking up a special Christmas collection for 27 years, and all donations received are distributed as a gift from our Parish to different charities. Thanks to your generosity, we have given over $330,000 to special charities over these past 27 years. We know you will be generous, as you have always been, and we thank you for sharing the joy of this holy season with those who are less fortunate.

Please make checks payable to “St. Mary” and include on the Memo Line: Togo Roof. Thank you!