From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

“Nothing is Impossible for God”

When the Stewardship Committee and I settled on the theme for this year, we were drawn to these words of the Archangel Gabriel to Our Lady.

Who, could have conceived of the good news that God almighty would become one of us? The all-powerful takes on weakness, the all-knowing becomes a baby, the eternal is born in space and time. Even the words of the prophets were veiled. Receiving this truth requires our willingness to hear the good news!

Our Lady received the message of the archangel with joy and faith. Her response asks about the path forward, not doubt nor denial.

Last week, I came across this gem on humility: “The seventh step of humility is that a man not only admits with his tongue but is also convinced in his heart that he is inferior to all and of less value…” (The Rule of St. Benedict, 37).

This is important: to express with our words and believe it in our hearts. It runs contrary to pride to see everyone else’s virtues as greater than mine. Roy Schoeman, a convert to the faith, claims to have had been given a conversation with the Blessed Mother. He asked, “How can it be that you are so exalted?” She responded, “No, you don’t understand, I am nothing, and He is everything.”

Everything she is and ever did proclaims the greatness of the Lord. Remembering that He is everything not only applies to lives of the saints, but to everything that we are and will ever do! The life of the saints and our lives become living icons.

I have been told at various times, “this is impossible” to which I answer, “not if God wills it.” In the months between picking this theme and unveiling it to you, I can attest that things labeled impossible are unfurling before us!

Finally, Mary answered Gabriel, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Behold, look, observe, and see. Filled with His grace, and in conformity to His will, she is inviting others to see the wonderous good news!

Thus the good news of the fire of divine love is received, believed, lived, and proclaimed to the world.

Nothing is Impossible for God


Father John Mosimann

September 4, 2022
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

As I type this, Holy Cross Academy celebrated its first day back in school. At Mass, I said to the children that the building was crying without them all summer. Ok, that was a little exaggerated, or poetic. But we are truly made for communion with God and one another! A building without life is an empty shell. Thanks for your prayers that this be a healthy, holy, and happy year for all our students- at HCA, public and home schooled as well!

We are incarnational people. The truth of who we are is known in the light of the incarnation: the great dignity that God became one of us, so that we could become one with him. It is the great reminder that human nature is a union of the material world (our bodies) and spiritual (our souls). This is why physical presence matters, since it is part of our very nature.

I also said at Mass that I think we love the first day of school because everything is new and fresh: classrooms, textbooks, new teachers, new classmates! This newness reflects the words of the Lord, “Behold! I make all things new!” Heaven will be a constant thrill of delighting in the infinite beauty, goodness, and truth of God! Our love of new is a product of our deep thirst for our infinite, loving Father!

On the cover of this bulletin is our parish theme for the year, “Nothing is Impossible for God”. I am excited to share more with you all as the year unfolds on how we may trust in our Lord’s profound love and plan for each one of us and truly know that all things are possible with Him!


Father John Mosimann

August 28,2022
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Religious Education, CCD or Faith Formation – lots of names for the same task, teaching the content of our faith to our children. This weekend at all Masses we will be are signing up our children for religious education. The pandemic has led to a drop in RE enrollment, which is unfortunate! Now, more than ever, we need to share the faith with our future generations. We must use our best talents and energies to hand on that which is most important. I recently saw this quote in the Forward to YouCat (the youth catechism):

Study the Catechism!
This is my heartfelt desire.
Study the catechism
with passion and perseverance.
Study it in the quiet of your room;
read it with a friend;
form study groups and networks;
share with each other on the Internet….
You need to be more deeply rooted in the faith than the generation of your parents…

The line that most caught my eye was the last, about being “more deeply rooted in the faith than the generation of your parents.” This made me think, “Wow, strong words from Pope Benedict XVI! But it also evoked the sentiment that I often hear, “I just want to give my kids better than I had growing up.” Really, it ends up being very revelatory of what the new parents value. Unfortunately, when I ask for some specifics the list usually ends up being financial, emotional, and educational, but almost never spiritual. We all have limited time, talent, energy, and resources. Are we handing on a fuller expression of the faith so that our children will be even more deeply rooted than we are? That should be our goal!

I want to especially thank those who teach and are aides to the Religious Education department, I know that they are pouring out thier time, talents, and energy into this task. Thank you for your willingness to teach profess, live, and teach our faith!


Father John Mosimann

August 21, 2022