From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Two staffing changes around the parish, as Mary Buer (new hire) and Kristen Baroody (increased hours) will be sharing their gifts and talents with our parish family. Both bring a warm and welcoming presence animated by their love of our Catholic faith!

A hearty welcome to Mary Buer who is stepping into the role of Assistant Director of Religious Education. She brings many years of teaching and parenting experience! So we are confident that she is well qualified for serving in the formation of our students, and training our Catechists! I know you will welcome her home, as she previously taught at Holy Cross Academy, and her children are graduates!

Also you may have met Kristen Baroody, who is graciously serving in our Sacristy on Sundays. Later this month she will be expanding her hours to be able to serve the parish especially in matters that require a high degree of organization and precision! The sacristy, our sacramental recording, and more, will greatly be helped by her attention to detail and organization!

As always, there is much going on around St. Mary’s. I wanted you to know the new faces around here. Thank you so much to the amazing and generous staff who make it all happen!


Father John Mosimann

August 7, 2022