A Message from Bishop Burbidge on National Vocations Awareness Week

A Message from Bishop Burbidge on National Vocations Awareness Week

My dear young friends, I address you this Vocation Awareness Week drawing on the words of Pope Francis from World Youth Day: “All of us were called by name. At the beginning of the story of our lives, before any talents we may have, before any shadows or wounds we may be carrying in our hearts, we were called. Why? Because we are loved.”

Let that sink in: God loves you, and he calls you by name for a unique and wonderful plan for your life. For many of you, this will be as a husband and father or wife and mother. In God’s mysterious plan, he calls some to the priesthood and religious life, to offer themselves entirely to the service of the Church. This can be unexpected, but as Pope Francis also reminded the young people in Portugal, “God loves surprises,” adding, “he always keeps us alert, and he keeps us surprised.” This is not something to be feared, but rather embraced, trusting in God the Father who loves us.

I encourage you this week to focus not only on the vocation we all have, to be holy, but also on the personal vocation to which God is calling you. Are you willing to spend some time with him? Are you willing to let him lead you, to surprise you, to lead you to a holiness you never thought possible?

Know of my prayers for you, as your Bishop who wants to see each of you fulfilled as God’s beloved sons and daughters.

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