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From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Do you have a favorite month? Mine may be July (ok, who doesn’t love their birthday month). But if I had to pick a less selfish month, I love October.

Why? You probably guessed because of Halloween and the world wears orange. Who doesn’t love candy and orange? Sorry to disappoint, but that’s not why.

October has a series of feast days for some of my very favorite saints! And it begins this very week!

St. Therese (Oct 1), Guardian Angels (Oct 2), St. Francis (Oct 4), St. Faustina (Oct 5), St. Bartolo Longo (October 5), Our Lady of the Rosary (Oct 7). There may not be a better week on the church calendar than this week! (Yes, hyperbole, Christmas and Easter weeks rock)! St. Theresa of Avila (Oct 15), St. Jean de Brebeuf, Issac Jogues and North American Martyrs (Oct 18), Pope Saint John Paul 2 (Oct 22). I am even leaving off Apostles Simon and Jude!

This is why I love October. The cool weather and fall leaves don’t hurt as well. The world turns orange, and Fr. Mosimann smiles. But I am really smiling celebrating my favorite saints!

Do you know when your favorite saints feast days are? And do you celebrate them? If not, you can celebrate with me, and I won’t complain if you join the orange fan club too. 😉


Father John Mosimann

October 2, 2022
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

“Confess-a-Palooza” “OctoberConfessOfest” “Clean Sweep” or “Fall Out of Sin” Huh?

For many Catholics, we think of confessing at Christmas and Easter. But the time gap between Easter and Christmas is much longer than the other. So this year we are going to offer you a chance for a fall tune up.

Next weekend, we will offer confessions BEFORE every Mass!
In the Church, 2 priests will be available beginning 15 minutes before each Mass, and will stay as long as they have customers, even into the Mass! Because of people being seated for Masses, the line will need to form along the wall nearest the confessional. (We have been doing this occasionally at the Spanish Masses, and it has worked well). Over at HCA, the priest will hear confessions between the Masses.

We want to help you celebrate this amazing sacrament! Be ready for a fall tune up!

Picnic!! Thank you to Paul Scott and the many, many volunteers who worked so hard! The Knights of Columbus, the CCW, Youth Group, and the TMIY crew all stepped up big-time! The weather was perfect, the Saturday timing seemed to allow families to linger longer, and the September picnic date was celebrated

by all with whom I spoke! Let’s count on doing this again next September!

Sometimes you take a chance by doing things differently, and with the picnic it worked out amazingly! I hope the Sunday confessions might be likewise be a success!

Also, a reminder that the Religious Education registration is coming to a close! Please don’t miss a year of instruction in the faith for your children.


Father John Mosimann

September 25, 2022