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Category: from our pastor

From Our Pastor – January 22, 2017

From Our Pastor – January 22, 2017

Dear Folks,
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: Habemus conductos operarios; Eminentissimum Tatiana Beltran, Jim Florio et Lauri Hofstrom!

Ok, I stole that announcement from the
announcement that the Pope has been elected. But with the changes it translates to:
I announce to you a great joy: We have employees; The Most Eminent Tatiana Beltran,
Jim Florio, and Lauri Hofstrom!

Here in the bulletin, you will find biographies for Tatiana and Jim. Tatiana is the new smiling face who is the first one you see
when you walk into the office. Sometimes I call her job the ministry of welcome! While it  is not his official title, Jim has been called by some, “the new Rick.” On his first day of work, he put his Secret Service background to good use in managing the welcome line for Bishop
Burbidge’s visit! I have never seen a better organized and disciplined reception line!

While her biography is not in this bulletin, Lauri Hofstrom has been hired as our Director of Music. She will begin work in early February, as she her family is moving (back) to Virginia from Arizona. She was selected from an number of applicants because of her very capable musical ability, Catholic knowledge of Liturgy, Bi-Lingual capabilities, and because of the  strong working relationship that she and I have from a previous  parish.

I am delighted to share this good news with  you. I am particularly proud of the welcome that we can provide by both our front reception
and music director being able to speak Spanish. I am confident that you will welcome Tatiana,  Jim and Lauri as you have welcomed me.





Fr Mosimann

From Our Pastor ~ January 8, 2017

From Our Pastor ~ January 8, 2017

Dear Folks,

A brief word on four forms of prayer:

Adoration: It is the nature of an intelligent being to honor excellence. To be awed by that which is extraordinary. God is supreme excellence, and so far beyond the ordinary that we are utterly false to ourselves if we deny Him praise, adoration, and glory. Think of the Gloria, “we praise you, we bless you, we adore, we glorify you…” What an excellent way to pray. And if you can’t pray this way, then you need to fix your mind on the excellence of God.

Thanksgiving: Everything we have and are is a gift from God, and failure to recognize this would be an extraordinary fraud. Give thanks in all times and for all things.

Repentance: A consideration of our status before the all good and generous God gives rise to this expression of sorrow for sin as we implore God’s mercy and beseech the forgiveness of our sins.

Intercession: Prayer for oneself or others, for their material and spiritual wellbeing. This is the realm where we are asking for favors for ourselves or others. If this is the only form of prayer that we know and exercise, then our prayer is greatly impoverished.

However, when all forms of prayer are present in a soul it unleashes a torrent of grace: the soul in right relation to God is sufficiently  confident of His love to be able to ask for what it wants. And the soul is confident enough to trust that God will answer the prayer in the manner which will most benefit His beloved sons and daughters.

Pray on Brothers and Sisters!




Fr. Mosimann

From Our Pastor ~January 1, 2017

From Our Pastor ~January 1, 2017

Dear Folks,

I previously shared with you the sad news that David Mathers will be leaving St. Mary to become the Music Director at St. Bernadette’s.
In order that you might be able to express your gratitude, we will do small receptions on Sunday January 15th after the 10:30 am & 5pm
Masses. There will be refreshments available after each of those Masses. Please stop by to extend your well wishes. Thank you David.
You are a pleasure to work with. Your love of the Liturgy, Christ, and His Church shines through everything you do.

Married Couples Retreat
You may know the old saying, “the couple that prays together, stays together.” But what does that practically mean in our busy suburban
lives? Some families are committed to praying the rosary together – wonderful! The Sacrament of Marriage is a man and a woman growing
every day deeper in love by giving their lives to one another. This is an incredibly enriching gift, because in giving our self away we discover a
love beyond imagining. To that purpose, each January I offer a retreat for a group dedicated to formation and spiritual growth of married couples: Teams of Our Lady. The format of the retreat presents an opportunity for couple to pray together and deepen their mutual understanding. I would like to offer to any married couple in the parish the opportunity to participate in this retreat.

Married Couples Retreat
Saturday, January 21st, St. Mary Church
Begins with 9am Mass in the Church and will end by 5:00 pm at the latest.
Please bring a brown-bag lunch and a bible.

If you would like to participate, please email me
to register (





Fr. Mosimann

From Our Pastor ~ December 25, 2016, The Nativity of the Lord

From Our Pastor ~ December 25, 2016, The Nativity of the Lord

Dear Folks,

Merry, Merry Christmas!

I can’t help but powerfully recall the powerful memories of childhood. So much of our character and personalities are shaped in the heart of our families. It is no wonder that popes have called the the Holy family “the school of Nazareth.” To quote Pope Emeritus Benedict, “The house of Nazareth is a school of prayer where we learn to listen, to meditate, to penetrate the deepest meaning of the manifestation of the Son of God, drawing our example from Mary, Joseph and Jesus.”

May the Virgin Mary and St Joseph help us to live the Mystery of Christmas with renewed gratitude to the Lord. In the midst of the frenetic activity of our day, may this Season give us some calm and joy and enable us to feel tangibly the goodness of our God, who became a Child to save us and to give new encouragement and light on our journey. This is my wish for a blessed and merry Christmas. To each and every member of our parish family, to your relatives and to your friends, in particular to the sick and the suffering, as well those who have no one to celebrate this feast with.

Be assured of my prayers for you and my prayers of thanksgiving for the work that the Lord is doing in our lives.





Fr. Mosimann