Express Announcements ~ 12 April, 2015
* Divine Mercy Devotions will be held today in the church following the Spanish Mass, about 3:15pm.
* Plan to attend our Mental Health Summit for Teens on April 18 in the Parish Life Center.
* Come join the celebration at our 8th annual Parish Night Out dinner and dance, April 25. See details at left.
* The Council of Catholic Women Mother Daughter Tea is April 25.
* Vocations Sunday at Saint Mary is April 26, and we will welcome Bishop Loverde to join us for the Spanish Mass that weekend. Father J. D. Jaffe, Vocations Director for the Diocese, will offer the homily at all Masses.
* Be sure to keep up on all that is happening at St. Mary by subscribing with your email address at our home page, lower right corner, at www.stmaryfred.org!
* SCRIP is on sale this weekend in the Parish Life Center after most Masses. Please use SCRIP and help our school.