Express Announcements ~ 27 September 2015
* If you didn’t have a chance to put your Commitment Card in the second collection this weekend you are welcome to bring it next week, or mail it in, or bring it into the office this week. Everyone make a commitment to living your faith by getting involved in the parish!
* Registration continues for the Called and Gifted Workshop, to be held October 9-10. We ask all who have attended, if you can, to recommend this Workshop to two additional people and grow momentum. Please visit the parish website for more information and the registration form.
* Parish Photo Directory sign-up is now open. Please visit our parish website to schedule your sitting / appointment. Photo sessions begin September 29.
* Saturday, October 3 is a busy day! Have your pets blessed at 10am, Stafford Ave. parking lot. Come shred your confidential documents from 10am-1pm in the parking lot behind the Parish Life Center. No limit on pets; 5 box limit per vehicle on paper.
* The prayer list for military men and women in the bulletin is being updated. To have a name added to this new list, please contact the parish office.
* October 4 from 3:30pm – 4:30pm is the kick-off for the Middle School Youth Group. Please join us in the Parish Life Center!