Express Announcements ~ 7 June 2015
* CONGRATULATIONS to all our Graduates in 8th Grade and Kindergarten Classes at Holy Cross Academy! You and your families are in our prayers at this special time. Thanks to all our teachers and staff,
and especially our parents, for such a great school year.
* The second collection this weekend is for our diocesan retired priests. This collection aids in caring for our retired priests who have served our diocese so faithfully over the years. Currently there are 18 retired priests who served our diocese. Please consider donating to this special collection. Thank you for your support.
* Join us this week for the Taize Prayer Service in July, Monday, June 8 at 8:15pm. Now in our 9th year, we have met each month to pray for Christian unity in our community and in the world. All Christians are
warmly invited; invite your friends!
* Be sure to keep up on all that is happening at St. Mary by subscribing with your email address at our home page, lower right corner, at!