Express Announcements ~ December 12, 2015
* The second collection this weekend is for the annual Catholic Charities Collection. Thank you for your generosity!
* Handcrafts from the Holy Land will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. A perfect Christmas gift from Bethlehem will complete your shopping list for Christmas giving and help people in great need in the land where Jesus was born.
* Join us Monday, December 14, at 8:15pm for our Taize Prayer Gathering in the Church. During this ecumenical prayer service, we ask God to bring healing to our world and end the divisions that separate peoples.
* Our Parish Christmas Collection will be taken up next weekend. This year, our collection will support The Holy Land Christians Society for the benefit of the Creche Orphanage in Bethlehem in the Holy Land, St. Joseph’s School in Gabis, Namibia, and the Fredericksburg Office of Catholic Charities. Thank you for your generosity!
* Watch your mailboxes! Our Christmas gift to you—our 2016 Parish Calendars —was mailed out on December 8.
* Please note that there will be no confessions on Saturday, December 26.