Express Announcements ~ February 12, 2017
* It’s time for each and every registered family to consider how they plan to support the work of the Catholic Church in the annual Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: If we reflect on the mission that Jesus has given us, and the words of Pope Francis, the Church is uniquely placed by God to be his agent of mercy and change, to heal our world. Prayerfully think of how you will respond to this call. Commitment Sunday will be February 25-26 at all Masses. Your generosity is what makes our Church’s response possible. “Offering hands to serve and hearts to love”
* Complete some of your holiday shopping by purchasing SCRIP gift cards! Set up an account today and earn rebates for HCA. Email Torie Baldwin at scripcoordinator@ holycrossweb.com for the school enrollment code.
* Subscribe to the Saint Mary website, www.stmaryfred. org and receive important updates via email. The subscription box is on the homepage. Enter your email address, click “subscribe.”
* Saint Mary Calendars are now available in both English and Spanish in the vestibule of the church. Please, one per family.