Express Announcements ~ February 21, 2016
* 40 HOURS’ Eucharistic Adoration begins tonight (Sunday) following the 7:01pm Mass. Please see p. 7 for the full schedule. Adoration is a time of grace and blessings not only for the individual who sits in the Presence of the Lord, but also for the parish who sponsors it. Please make visits to the Blessed Sacrament throughout these days; if you can sign up for an hour or half-hour, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the church vestibule.
* Host and Participant sign-ups continue for our Lenten/Easter Small Groups Series, “The Face of Mercy.” Information may be found on page 6 and our website, www.stmaryfred.org.
* Come to our Mercy Penance Service, Wednesday, February 24. All priests will be on hand for a special parish service: prayer and song, an examination of conscience, quick
individual confessions (for tonight, no discussion, no questions, please), individual absolution, a prayer of penance while tying a knot in our Lent altar cloth, a song of mercy. Join us for mercy and reconciliation while still early in Lent.
* We welcome back the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, this Thursday, February 25, 3-8pm in the church.
* Again, the series “The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide” begins Monday, February 29, for 12 Mondays. Comfort, counsel and clarity offered, to let you know the power of healing and
that you still belong here. Details p. 7.
* Don’t forget the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal for outreach in our diocese, if you are still considering a pledge or gift. Help us make our goal – every family, please.
* Click here for Mass, Confession and Devotions Schedules