Express Announcements ~ January 11, 2015
* Religious Freedom Day 2015: Today (Sunday) is the 238th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s writing the later First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution here in Fredericksburg. Come: 2pm at the monument on Washington Boulevard (see p. 8).
* You will not want to miss the Called and Gifted Workshop St. Mary is hosting Friday, February 6, and Saturday, February 7. Please register! Click on the link on the front page of our website and join us.
* SCRIP is on sale this weekend in the Parish Life Center after most Masses. Please use SCRIP and help our school.
Looking Ahead:
* On January 17 and 18, the Council of Catholic Women will host a baby shower to benefit our local Pro-Life groups: Mary’s Shelter, Birthright, Catholic Charities, and Paul Stefan Homes. Unwrapped gifts will be accepted after all Masses.
* Upcoming Events
• January 22, March for Life
• January 25-31, Catholic Schools Week
• January 27, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity w/Bishop Loverde at Mount Olivet UMC in Arlington
• January 29, Catholic Advocacy Day in Richmond