Express Announcements ~ January 4, 2015
* Join us for Family Week in Religious Education as classes resume this week! All parents are asked to accompany their children to class for a special program.
* You were Given in Love; you are Called in Love. Visit our website——to find out more about the Called and Gifted Workshop to be held Friday, February 6, and Saturday, February 7. Please register!
* SCRIP is on sale this weekend in the Parish Life Center after most Masses. Please use SCRIP and help our school.
Looking Ahead:
* On January 17 and 18, the Council of Catholic Women will host a baby shower to benefit our local Pro-Life groups: Mary’s Shelter, Birthright, Catholic Charities, and Paul Stefan Homes. Unwrapped gifts will be accepted after all Masses.
* Upcoming Events
• January 22, March for Life
• January 25-31, Catholic SchoolsWeek
• January 27, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity prayer with Bishop Loverde
at Mount Olivet UMC in Arlington
• January 29, Catholic AdvocacyDay in Richmond