Express Announcements ~ July 10, 2016
* We welcome Father Mosimann and Fr. Colin into our St. Mary community this weekend with light receptions after the 7am, 8:30 am and 10:30am Masses.
* Please join us next Sunday July 17, at the 12:30pm, for a Mass of Installation for our new Pastor, Fr. John Mosimann. Bishop Paul Loverde will preside and a light reception will follow the Mass in the Parish Life Center.
* This weekend, volunteers are available to take SHARE orders in person after the 5pm Saturday, and 8:30am, 12:30pm and 5pm Sunday Masses. Please stop by the Parish Life Center to place your order or to learn more about this ministry.
* Our next annual Called and Gifted Workshop will be held on August 26–27, 2016. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! Registration forms are available on the parish website, in the vestibule of the Church or parish office.
* Members of the Believe Group, a group for those facing cancer diagnosis and those sharing this experience with a loved one, will be offering information about the ministry after most Masses this weekend.
* The second collection this weekend supports the Pastoral Solidarity Fund For The Church In Africa. The Church in Africa is the fastest growing, but the poorest part of our family of faith. Your financial contributions will help support pastoral outreach, catechetical programs, Catholic schools, evangelization, education of clergy and lay ministers, and your generosity is most appreciated.