Express Announcements ~ June 19, 2016
* Stop by and say “see you in Stafford” to Fr. Lino at his farewell receptions following the 10:30am and 2pm Masses this weekend in the Parish Life Center. Stop by and wish him well, and thank him for all the goodness he has brought to our parish family.
* A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, summer bible study begins June 23 at 9:45am in the Courtyard Meeting Room and will continue for the following five Thursdays, Registration is required and there is a $ 10 fee to cover the cost of materials.
* Join us for a reception and program at Holy Cross Academy on June 24 at 7pm to thank Fr. Don for being our pastor for 14 years. See page 9 for more information.
* Save the date. Our next annual Called and Gifted Workshop will be held on August 26–27, 2016. Mark your calendars and invite your friends!
* Click here for Mass, Confession and Devotions Schedules