Express Announcements ~ June 26, 2016
* Farewell receptions for Fr. Don will be held following the 7am, 8:30am and 10:30am Sunday Masses this weekend in the Parish Life Center. Please stop by and wish him well, and thank him for all the goodness he has brought to our parish family.
* Our next annual Called and Gifted Workshop will be held on August 26–27, 2016. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! Registration forms are available on the parish website, in the vestibule of the Church or parish office.
* We will be accepting registration forms for Fall Religious Education Classes through August 26, 2016 in our parish office between 10am-4pm, Monday through Friday. Classes begin September 12. Please register early to take advantage of lower registration fees.
* Our annual Parish Leadership Dinner will be held on Tuesday evening, August 23 at 7pm. All ministry leaders are welcome. Watch for your formal invitation in the mail and please RSVP to the parish office by Friday August 19, 2016.
* The second collection this weekend is the Peter’s Pence Collection which supports the Pope’s charitable works. Thank you for your generosity.
* Click here for Mass, Confession and Devotions Schedules