Express Announcements ~ June 5, 2016
* Join us! Our PARISH PICNIC at Holy Cross Academy is Sunday, NEXT weekend, June 12, 3-7pm in the afternoon. Please note: we are still in need of volunteers for the CCW to help serve meals from 3-6pm. Sign up for a one-hour shift. See p. 6.
* Save the date. Our next annual Called and Gifted Workshop will be held on August 26–27, 2016. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! Registration opens June 1.
* The “Believe Group” is a new Health Ministry discussion group for those facing a cancer diagnosis and for those sharing this experience with a loved one. Our first meeting will be Sunday, June 12 from 9:30-11:30am in the Courtyard Meeting Room, see page 11 for details.
* Join us next week for the Taizé Prayer Service on Monday, June 13 at 8:15pm. Now in our 9th year, we have met each month to pray for Christian unity in our community and in the world. All Christians are warmly invited; invite your friends! Please note that Taize for the month of July, will be moved to Monday, July 18 at 8:15pm.
* A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, summer bible study begins June 23 at 9:45am in the Courtyard Meeting Room and will continue for the following five Thursdays, Registration is required and there is a $ 10 fee to cover the cost of materials.
* Father Day Novena begins June 19. Cards and envelopes are available in the vestibule of the Church.
* Click here for Mass, Confession and Devotions Schedules