Express Announcements ~ May 22, 2016
* Don’t forget – come join us! Our second annual Parish Mulch Night with Pizza and Beer and other beverages has been rescheduled for this Tuesday night, May 24. Please come with your rakes, shovels, gloves and wheelbarrow and let’s get the parish campus mulched! We will begin at 5:30pm.
* The Second Collection this weekend is for our Parish Building Fund.
* This year’s Corpus Christi procession will follow the 7pm Mass on Saturday, May 28. Such processions throughout Christian history have been practiced as public witnesses of faith and blessing. We will set up an altar outside for prayers along the way, and return to the church for solemn benediction. Please join us.
* Marriage Renewal Mass and Reception: A Mass of thanksgiving for the gift of Marriage and the renewal of vows will be held on Friday, June 10. Please RSVP to the parish office by Wednesday, June 1.
* Mark your calendars: Our PARISH PICNIC at Holy Cross Academy is Sunday, June 12 in the afternoon.
* Please be sure to notify us if you have moved recently or are planning to move so that we can keep your contact information current in the parish! Thank you!
* Click here for Mass, Confession and Devotions Schedules