Express Announcements ~ October 16, 2016
* Saint Mary Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is 6pm, Thursday, October 20, Please RSVP no later than Monday, October 17. See invitation on page 8-9.
* Parish directories have arrived! Please stop by the parish office after 2pm Monday–Friday to pick up your copy. The 2016 Parish Directories are available to those individuals and families who participated in the program.
* Nar-Anon Support group is now meeting on Thursdays at St. Mary at 7pm. Help is offered by sharing experiences, strengths and hopes; please continue to pray for those individuals and families, directly or indirectly, affected by addictions.
* We are pleased to announce that the Noon Mass will become included in our weekly Mass schedule effective October 3, 2016.
* This year our Teaching Masses will be held on Wed, Nov. 9 at 6:30pm and on Thur, Nov. 10 at 5pm. All Religious Education students are expected to attend one of these Masses