Express Announcements ~ October 25, 2015
* Come to the Council of Catholic Women Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale on Sunday morning – Lots of great gifts for Christmas!
* Parish Photo Directory sign-up continues. Please visit our parish website to schedule your portrait appointment.
* On Wednesday, October 28, Catechist training will be held in the Parish Life Center.
* Remember to include your loved ones in our annual All Souls’ Day Novena of Masses. Envelopes are available in the vestibule or in the Parish office.
coming events:
* Don’t forget our parish discussion group of Pope Francis’ Laudato sí begins this Sunday, October 25 and follows for three Sundays. Download a copy for free at w2.vatican.va/content/Francesco/en/encyclicals.index.html.
* Fr. Don’s class on Lectio divina will take place first on Tuesday, November 10. Please call and let us know you are coming. It has always been the Tradition of the Church to pray with the Word of God, not use the Bible as a textbook! Class will be repeated later in February.
* Our annual Seminar on Life Decisions will be held Saturday, November 14 from 9:30-1pm with Fr. Don, David Mathers and Regis Keddie, chair of our finance council. Join us if you have questions about how to prepare plans for your funeral (Church teachings and liturgy planning) and other financial planning you would like to work on, including remembering our parish in your giving.