From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Thank you for your gracious support of the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. We hit our annual goal with more than $400k pledged to supporting so many excellent causes, of which the first in my mind is the training of future priests. I know that some folks are still sending in pledges, as we always like as many families as possible to participate. Thank you for your generosity!
Do you ever read the accounts in the scriptures and wonder why we don’t regularly see such miraculous happenings? I usually think of two possible reasons: God doesn’t want it or we don’t want it. Why would God not want such miraculous events to be an everyday occurrence? Miracles are given to bolster our faith. When God intervenes in the natural order it is done for our benefit, so that we might believe in His Son. Consistently in the Scriptures, miracles lead to professions of faith in Christ as the Messiah. Our Lord also says to “Doubting Thomas” after the resurrection, “Blessed are those who believe and do not see.” This is because it is more difficult to believe without being an eyewitness. One possibility is that we don’t regularly see miracles because God is blessing us and strengthening our faith in this mature way.
The other possibility is that God is desiring but we are not open to the gifts He wants to give us. God never shoves his love down our throat, and if he is ignored and left on the fringes, He will not do parlor tricks to get our attention. The recipients of the miracles in the Gospel are really striving to know Him. They are opening holes in roofs to be lowered down in front of Him, pressing through crowds just to touch the hem of His garment. What can we do? Ask for miracles, long for them, and seek God with more fervor. That longing, striving, and overcoming difficulty is a great expression of faith. However, it runs counter to our immediate gratification culture, and we are tempted to give up. Know that God is with you, and never give up. His love endures forever.
And know that miracles do happen. I know a priest who after anointing someone in an airport got a letter from the cop on the scene who said, “I don’t know what you did, but I know that guy was dead before you did it, and then he came back to life.” I know of people who have been healed of illness. But most of all I know of many souls brought back to God by the forgiveness of their sins. I certainly long for more miracles, but unfortunately I can’t say why they don’t happen in specific cases. I just hope that our faith is sufficient that the Lord can work in, through, and for each of us as He truly desires.
Father Mosimann