From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Next Week is Parish Life Weekend!
The Stewardship Catalogue should be arriving any day, so look for it.  If you do not receive one, some will be available next weekend.
We will be asking you to sign up at the tables in to capture your immediate enthusiasm.  We will not be turning in commitment cards, so please be prepared to jump on the bus immediately!  If you are reading this online from Italy, contact info for your ministry of choice via is in the bulletin and on the website.
Finally, I share with you this quote that I have read about 10 times:
“The more you get involved in the groups that are doing wonderful work in the church the more you will be filled with joy in being a Catholic. The corruption, scandal and heresy will fade away like shadows. You will see clearly what you should be doing and it will be positive, life filled and life giving. You will soon see all the good that is going on and the bad you see will fade in importance….

The complainers and protesters never accomplished very much. The saints did. The saints confronted corruption with radiant lives of simplicity and power. They skewered scandal with radiant lives of purity and goodness. They overwhelmed indifference with radiant lives of zeal and joy. At times they spoke out against the scandal, indifference and corruption, but they always did so based on the authority of their own powerful sanctity.
In other words, overwhelm the world with the light, life and beauty of Christ alive in you.
Don’t curse the dark.
Set alight a life ablaze with glory and goodness.”

— originally from a blog by Fr. Dwight Longenecker.
fr mosimann
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