From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Lent. Let’s Go!!!

We are kicking this Lent off with a retreat led by Father Jack Riley. He is a priest of our diocese, who is the director at the diocesan retreat house in Whitepost, VA (near Front Royal). There are a couple of threads to the retreat:

1. Talks by Fr. Riley: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 7pm — Finding Jesus this Lent… with Our Blessed Mother and the Rosary.

2. Adoration: 48 extra hours of adoration this week! Beginning Monday morning, running into our regular adoration and going non-stop all the way to Friday morning! There is a link on this page for you to take an extra hour of adoration this week!

3. Confessions: If you are reading this in the church on Sunday, look up: Father Riley is probably either preaching or in the confessional. Additionally, he is posting lots of extra times he will be available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! Frankly, they are too many for me to try to list in my note! See the retreat schedule page for those details!

Volunteers: last Friday we celebrated our Volunteer Dinner! There are soooooo many ministries and works of grace that are accomplished by our parish family! It was wonderful to celebrate this for this first time since the pandemic. Please see the page and pictures of the evening for a full list honorees. Let me also give a shout-out to Peter and Erika Paquette who were honored with this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award! We are so grateful for the leadership and generosity of this amazing family.

We had 30+ nominations for awards this year, so we are ready to host another volunteer award dinner already! I send this with an extra Hail Mary for all of you who serve the Lord so generously here at St. Mary’s!


Father John Mosimann

February 26, 2023
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